illustration to tale of Ulitskaya "Story about sparrow Antverpen, cat Miheev, agave Vasya and centipede Marja Semenovna with her family", 39 x45, oil pastel, 2005, 20000 rubles

illustration to tale of Ulitskaya "Story about sparrow Antverpen, cat Miheev, agave Vasya and centipede Marja Semenovna with her family", 39 x45, oil pastel, 2005, 20000 rubles

illustration to tale of Ulitskaya "Story about sparrow Antverpen, cat Miheev, agave Vasya and centipede Marja Semenovna with her family", 50 x 30, oil pastel, 2005, 22000 rubles

illustration to tale of Ulitskaya "Story about old man Kulebyakin, whining mare Mila and foal Ravkin", 39 x45, oil pastel, 2004, 20000 rubles
illustration to tale of Ulitskaya "Story about sparrow Antverpen, cat Miheev, agave Vasya and centipede Marja Semenovna with her family", 39 x45, oil pastel, 2005, 21000 rubles

illustration to tale of Ulitskaya "Story about sparrow Antverpen, cat Miheev, agave Vasya and centipede Marja Semenovna with her family", 50 x 30, oil pastel, 2005, 21000 rubles
illustration to tale of Ulitskaya "Story about sparrow Antverpen, cat Miheev, agave Vasya and centipede Marja Semenovna with her family", 50 x 30, oil pastel, 2005, 25000 rubles

illustration to tale of Ulitskaya "Story about old man Kulebyakin, whining mare Mila and foal Ravkin", 50 x 30, oil pastel, 2004, 26000 rubles

illustration to tale of Ulitskaya "Story about old man Kulebyakin, whining mare Mila and foal Ravkin", 39 x45, oil pastel, 2004, 21000 rubles

illustration to tale of Ulitskaya "Story about old man Kulebyakin, whining mare Mila and foal Ravkin", 39 x45, oil pastel, 2004, 22000 rubles

illustration to tale of Ulitskaya "Story about old man Kulebyakin, whining mare Mila and foal Ravkin", 50 x 30, oil pastel, 2004, 23000 rubles

illustration to tale of Ulitskaya "Story about cat Ignasij, chimney-sweep Fedya and Lonely Mouse", 39 x 45, oil pastel, 2004, 20000 rubles

"Dandelion in forest", 39 x45, oil pastel, 2005, 20000 rubles

illustration to tale of Ulitskaya "Story about cat Ignasij, chimney-sweep Fedya and Lonely Mouse", 50 x 30, oil pastel, 2004, 26000 rubles

illustration to tale of Ulitskaya "Story about cat Ignasij, chimney-sweep Fedya and Lonely Mouse", 50 x 40, oil pastel, 2004, 24000 rubles

illustration to tale of Ulitskaya "Story about cat Ignasij, chimney-sweep Fedya and Lonely Mouse", 50 x 30, oil pastel, 2004, 26000 rubles

illustration to tale of Ulitskaya "Story about cat Ignasij, chimney-sweep Fedya and Lonely Mouse", 50 x 30, oil pastel, 2004, 25000 rubles

illustration to tale of Ulitskaya "Story about old man Kulebyakin, whining mare Mila and foal Ravkin", 50 x 30, oil pastel, 2004, 23000 rubles

"Разговор", 60 x 45, масляная пастель, 30000 рублей
"In Helga's book store", 41 x 28, oil pastel, 2000
25000 rubles

"Stairs", 41 x 28, oil pastel, 1999,
18000 rubles

"Boat", 60 x 45, oil pastel, 1997
30000 rubles
"Neighbour", 40,5 x 27, oil pastel, 1998
23000 rubles

"Talk", 60 x 45, oil pastel, 2001, 30000 rubles

"Oranges and blue", 40 x 45, oil pastel, 2002
30000 rubles
"Movemnt", 40 x 47, oil pastel, 2002

"Old new year", 70 x 30, oil pastel, 2001, 30000 rubles

"Apples on grey", 50 x 28, oil pastel, 2001, sold

"Ballon and angels", 40 x 45, oil pastel, 2000
25000 rubles

"A table, book and stars", 40 x 45, oil pastel, 2000

"Pitcher", 40 x 45, oil pastel, 2000
19000 rubles

"Bear, man and lion", 40 x 45, oil pastel, 2000

"Rose on a bottle", 40 x 45, oil pastel, 2000
"Apples and vertical line", 28 x 50, oil pastel, 2000
20000 rubles